Coefficient of Friction

Test show that NanoSlick Lubricants are able to achieve an amazing 0.078 Static Coefficient of Friction for Steel on Steel.

The table below shows an average static Coeffcient of Friction for most material on material, with and without lubrication. It is clear that our lubricants can provide one of the most lubricious surfaces which means less friction, less wear, less heat, and less loss of energy and performance! Usually this is only achieved through a very expensive process of coating with a dry lubricant, we achieve this amazingly low Coefficient of Friction with our flagship grease lubricants! NanoSlick Slick-33 is our low coefficient of friction grease ever produced!

The frictional force for Static Friction can be expressed as:

Fmax= μ Fn


Fmax= Frictional force (N, lb)
μ = static (μ s ) or kinetic (μ k ) frictional coefficient
Fn = Applied Normal force (N, lb)

The frictional force for Dynamic Friction can be expressed as:

For an object pulled or pushed horizontally, the normal force - N - is simply the weight :

N = m g


m = Mass (kg, slugs )
g = Gravity (9.81 m/s2 , 32 ft/s2)

Material Against
Coefficient of Friction


Aluminum 1.10 -1.35


Aluminum-Bronze Alloy Steel .46 -
Aluminum Steel .61 -
Brake (Composite) Cast Iron .40 .21 (wet)
Brass Steel .50 .19
Brass Cast Iron .28
Brick Wood .60 -
Bronze Cast Iron .21 -
Bronze Sintered Steel - .12
Bronze Steel   .16
Cadmium Cadmium .50 .05
Cadmium Chromium (Chrome) .40 .35
Cadmium Steel, Mild .46
Carbon Carbon .15 .12 - .14
Carbon Steel .14 .12 - .14
Cast Iron Cast Iron 1.1 .08
Cast Iron Copper 1.05 -
Cast Iron Oak Wood .485 .08
Cast Iron Steel .40 .21
Cast Iron Zinc .85 -
Chromium (Chrome) Chromium (Chrome) .41 .34
Colbalt (70°C) Cobalt .3 -
Concrete Rubber 1.0 .30 (wet)
Concrete Wood .62 -
Copper Cast Iron 1.05 -
Copper Copper 1.00 .08
Copper Glass .94 -
Copper Steel .53 -
Copper-Lead Alloy Steel .22 -
Cork Iron .35 -
Diamond Diamond .10 .05 - .10
Diamond Metal .10 - .15 .10
Glass Glass .90 - 1.0 .10 - .60
Glass Metal .50 - .70 .20 - .30
Glass Nickel .78 .57
Graphite Graphite .10 .10
Graphite Steel .1 .1
Horseshoe Concrete .67 -
Horseshoe Rubber .28 -
Ice Wood .05 -
Ice Steel .04 -
Iron Iron 1.0 .15 -. .20
Lead Cast Iron .41 -
Leather Iron .3
Leather Wood .30 - .40 -
Leather Metal .60 -
Leather (Greasy) Iron .2 - .25
Magnesium Magnesium .60 .079
Masonry Brick .65 -
Nickel Nickel .70 .28
Nylon Nylon .15 - .25 -
Oak Oak .61 -
Paper Cast Iron .19 -
Phosphor Bronze Steel .35 -
Platinum Platinum 1.20 .25
Plexiglas Plexiglas .80 .80
Plexiglas Steel .40 - .50 .40 - .50
Polyethene Steel .2 .2
Polystyrene Polystyrene .50 .50
Polystyrene Steel .30 - .35 .30 - .35
Rubber Rubber 1.15 -
Rubber Asphalt .9 -
Rubber Concrete .6 -
Rubber (60 A Belt) Stainless Steel 316 .64 -
Rubber (60 A Belt) Rubber (40 A Belt) .62 -
Rubber (60 A Belt) Rubber (60 A Belt) .73 -
Rubber (60 A Belt) Tool Steel .86 -
Rubber (60 A Belt) Tungsten Carbide .62 -
Rubber (60 A Belt) UHMW .56 -
Rubber (60 A Belt) Urethane 50 .60 -
Rubber (60 A Belt) Urethane 80A .70 -
Rubber (60 A Belt) Urethane .67 -
Silver Silver 1.40 .52
Skin, Human Metals (63 Ra) .9 -
Steel Steel .80 .16
Teflon Steel .04 .04
Teflon Teflon .05 - .20 .04
Tin Cast Iron .31 -
Tire, Rubber Asphalt .71 -
Tire, Rubber Grass .36 -
Tungsten Carbide Steel .40 - .60 .10 - .20
Tungsten Carbide Tungsten Carbide .20 - .25 .12
Wood Wood .25 - .50 .20
Wood Metals .20 - .60 .20 (wet)
Zinc Zinc .60 .04
NanoSlick Lubricants